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Movie Reviews: Mama Mia


That's how many guys there were in a sold-out theatre for a screening of Mama Mia. I know; I counted them as they came in. To a few who passed by me, I quipped "Bet you'd rather be at Batman, eh?" But they just shuffled by, silent, ashen-faced and fearful, dragged along by their dates like spirits being hauled off to some Hellenic Hades.

The estrogen level in the room was as thick as Beijing smog. I thought I was going to start menstruating by osmosis at any moment.

So please excuse my crude language, but for the sake of catharsis I must say that Amanda Seyfried has fabulous titties and that my favourite scene was the one where two middle-aged guys are molested by a pack of drunken twenty-something chicks at a bachelorette party.

Of course, I was there with Library Mama on a date night, but I probably would have seen the movie eventually (maybe on video.) Okay, brace yourself, sports fans: I have a little bit of a secret, kitschy affection for some ABBA tunes. I consider it a vice. Don't judge me, damn you!

I had been to the Mama Mia stage show with Library Mama and had entirely enjoyed it as fluffy entertainment. True, it had a wafer-thin plot that would have been at home in a small-time dinner theatre and the dialogue was corny, but that didn't matter because the plot of the stage show was meant simply as a series of premises to deliver the songs. To that end, the stage show hired singers and dancers, not actors. Besides, in stage productions you expect a certain level of theatricality. It was a tribute show with production values, and that's all it ever tried to be.

The reasons that the stage version succeeded are the same reasons the movie version of Mama Mia largely fails, even as fluffy entertainment. The verisimilitude of cinema forces us to focus on the plot which in this case doesn't stand up to close inspection. Plus, unlike Hairspray, the dance numbers are completely boring because most of the lead cast can't dance a lick.

Worst of all, for some insane reason director Phyllida Lloyd insisted on an all-star cast and insisted on making them all sing their own parts. I might be inclined to watch Meryl Streep do karaoke on YouTube, but I'm not especially happy about paying $8 to do so.

This was especially painful in one scene where Pierce Brosnan serenades Streep with SOS. The effect was thoroughly emasculating. I couldn't help but think "Jezuz, buddy, you used to be James Bond!"

At some points, the movie managed to push those painful moments into the zone of campy self-parody. Unfortunately, those moments were too few for my liking.

Some people - especially Library Mama - will get their backs up that I'm being too harsh on this film for 'guy' reasons. Not true. I like musicals. I like some ABBA music. My favourite TV show used to Gilmore Girls, so obviously I have a high tolerance for chick shows.

I didn't like this movie because it stunk. It wasn't a failure as an action movie. It wasn't a failure as a thoughtful Oscar contender. It wasn't a failure as a Western or science fiction movie. It was a failure in its own category - as a fluffy musical. I'm not judging it by any other standard than its own.

posted by Mentok @ 12:30 p.m.,


At 10:36 p.m., Blogger Library Mama said...

I feel compelled to make it clear to your readers, Menty, that I was perfectly happy to attend this movie on my own. Out of courtesy, I asked if you wanted to join me. Frankly, I was surprised when you said that you would. I'm sorry if you felt as if you were being "hauled off to some Hellenic Hades".

I found myself grinning through the entire experience.

At 11:21 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

No, no, not me dear. I was happy to be there, really. It was those other guys, those bad husbands and boyfriends who looked like that, not me, I swear.

At 7:19 a.m., Blogger Natsthename said...

Brilliant review, Mentok!

Do you feel the need to cleanse the palate with a nice blowing-things-up movie now? Perhaps a Jack Black movie?

At 11:59 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Heh heh heh - hope you got out before full osmosis set in.

"Hello, my name is FiL, and I like ABBA."

God, I'm glad I said that!!

At 12:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is one of the only plays i've ever seen, which ended up being great... it's funny to think of ol' Pierce taking a stab at singing, yeeesh

At 2:14 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

fil - You too with the ABBA affliction? Thanks for, er, coming out of the closet about that. I feel far less lonely and guilty now.

media kingdom - as your attorney, I advise you to see more plays

At 2:24 p.m., Blogger Library Mama said...

Last night I went to see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2.

Even though Mentok asked to come with me, I didn't let him.

At 2:50 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Tee hee! That'll show him, Dearest Library Mama!! But maybe you should help him get over the disappointment by renting Pride & Prejudice (1995 version with Colin Firth, of course).

At 2:26 p.m., Blogger Rick said...

You know, I saw MM with my wife a few years back when it came through the neighborhood, on stage. I liked it, even though the plot was indeed wafer-thin.

But, Meryl Streep?

I'd rather pop some popcorn and cuddle up with Bridget Jones.

Mentok, was this before or after you saw The Dark Knight? If after, check your local IMAX Theater for some Nat-prescribed relief.

At 1:47 a.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Watch Mamma Mia online free on losmovies now. Forced frivolity. Miscast performers working hard to have fun so you can have fun. The brilliant Meryl Streep gives it a great try. Pierce Brosnan just plain embarrassing. Inexplicably set on a Greek Island. Lots of squealing, shrieking women. Lots.

It was a silly juke box musical on stage, now it's a big, splashy, poorly shot screen juke box musical. If you like ABBA, so-so. If not, an assault on the senses and an insult to whatever intelligence you're left with when you exit the theater. I readily admit that I didn't really want to see this movie and went with some friends who did, but for the love of God. Why does my gender shriek and squeal to convey delight? Ever sit next to a table of women who have had too much to drink and are absolutely determined to have GREAT night out on the town? That's the feeling of this whole project. It just felt so good when it stopped.

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