OK, I know this is kinda off topic, but I feel almost a public duty to inform people of the terrible labour shortage in Western Canada.
I was in my home town for Remembrance Day over the weekend. Small towns in Western Canada have been hit especially hard by the labour shortage because, of course, most people want to live in cities.
A couple of the town's restaurants have had to close after lunch because, even with increased wages, benefits and flex hours, they can't find enough staff to open for supper. Any new workers who move into town don't stay in the service industry for long before they are snapped up by the higher-paying local oil industry.
Neighbouring towns are giving away lots, low-rent apartments and, in some cases, whole houses in an increasingly desperate effort to lure workers away from the cities.
So there you have it. If you feel like starting a new life and don't mind living out in the boonies, come to Western Canada. Show up in almost any town on the Prairies, tell them you're there to get a job and I guarantee the town will practically throw a parade in your honour.
The truly bewildering thought is that this is just the beginning. This is one of the first places to be hit by this phenomenon, but as the boomer generation starts dying off, labour is going to become a more and more precious commodity everywhere. After decades of treating workers like peons, employers could be in for quite the noodle twister.
posted by Mentok @ 11:39 a.m.,
- At 6:22 p.m., said...
next time i get the urge to run away, i'll know where to go. : )