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Birthday Bliss

You all know how I enjoy staging kids' theme birthday parties. Our family's all-time favourite theme is Super-Hero School, which we staged again last weekend for my youngest son's birthday. We've done this theme three times, once for each of our kids. Sadly, that means this was also our last chance to do that theme until grandkids come along.

In case any of you have desire and opportunity, here's the complete party plan:


Invite - our adventures in fantasy begin with the invitation. In this case, we designed it to look like a brochure from a local technical school.

Staff - you should have at least three people working this event. Both parents and an older brother or two works well. Ideally, all the staff should be dressed in super-heroic or mad-scientist garb.

Venue - a reception area plus lots of room to run around. The first time we did this theme, we held it in our house and backyard. The other two times we rented a church hall.

Decorations - superhero posters plus various print-outs of Zap! Pow! sound effects. Use as many as you like. I tend to decorate the reception area heavily but not bother with the running-around area.


Once all the guests have arrived and settled, capture their attention by flamboyantly welcoming them to the school. It helps to have some superhero theme music running in the background throughout.

Name Picking -
have one bag full of superheroic adjectives ("Super", "Mighty", "Crimson" etc.), another bag full of nouns. It's fun to come up with your own lists, but if you get stuck I have templates I can send.

Slogan Practice - this part is pure ad-libbing and creativity. Work with the kids to come up with and rehearse a superheroic battle-cry appropriate to their name. My fave from last weekend's party was "Let's slice it up!" for the Blue Blade.

Costume Design - supply the kids with white t-shirts and an assortment of permanent markers. Let them go crazy coming up with their own costume. For added fun, you can also supply white eye-masks for them to colour. When they're done, help them put on their shirts, masks and capes (for capes, I just get a few yards of cheap, silvery cloth and cut it to the appropriate lengths ahead of time, then just safety-pin them on.)

Super-strength - make fake weights using styrofoam and granite-texture spray paint. Make a big show out of having the adults try and fail to lift them. Distract any kids who suggest the weights are fake. Give the kids some sort of power-band and let them take turns lifting the weights with ease.

Super-speed - issue the kids mini-fans and tell them they will boost their normal running speed. Then let them race.

Web-blast - Silly string. Moving target. 'Nuff said.

Flying Practice - a rebounder and lots of gymnastic-quality mats.

It's quite important to do Super-speed before Web-blast so the kids don't slip on the silly string.


"Graduation Banquet" - cake, Happy Birthday singing and presents. While this is going on, one of the adults should sneak off to a lap-top and a portable printer to prepare for...

Graduation Ceremony - play Pomp and Circumstance in the background. Give each kid an authentic-looking graduation certificate and their super-hero license, ideally with their picture on it. If you have time, also take a class picture and print out one for each guest.


As a rule, I don't do treat bags. Instead, I work the take-home items into the play. In this case, each kid should be sent home with his shirt, cape, mask, wrist band, mini-fan, silly string and certificates. With diligent dollar-store shopping, you can keep the take home items in the neighbourhood of $5-$8 per kid. That's not so bad considering that the items are also the party's main activities.


If you have to rent a hall and the gymnastics equipment, this party will cost you about $200 for about 10 kids. That's comparable to commercial parties like Lazer Quest and such, but unlike those run-of-the-mill events I 100% guarantee that guests will leave exclaiming "This was the best birthday party ever!"

If you are interested in staging this party and have any questions, let me know.

posted by Mentok @ 10:22 a.m.,


At 12:19 p.m., Blogger Rachel said...

OMG how cute!! I love this idea and I hope to do this for my kids someday.

Or even for Pip! Because his exact words were, "I want to be his kid!" haha maybe I will throw this one for my big kid. It could work...

At 12:28 p.m., Blogger drainpip said...

I used to run around the house with a towel tied around me making wooshing sounds. I really dug the idea... and hey, if a certain someone wants to pretend I have super powers, let's do it!

At 12:42 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

pip - I think there's a gag in there about Inspector Gadget or Mr. Fantastic, but I'm not going to touch it. ;-)

rachel - thanks! gettin' the love from the parents and other adults is half the fun for me with these parties. Parents even asked for extra copies of our invitation, which included pictures of masked, book-laden students striding across the campus, just like a real college brochure.

At 2:10 p.m., Blogger Grumps said...

To think I've wasted three years on a university degree and countless hours of upgrading when, instead, I could have gone to superhero school!

BTW - have you ever noticed how the things we have to type in for word verifcation would make great villain names?

I'm ZXNOLR and I will destroy you!

At 9:31 a.m., Blogger FiL said...

Oh yeah?? Well, I'm that famous Albanian-Welsh superhero AKGSKXYH. I declare a blood feud and will annihilate you with Leek Power!!

Another fabulous party, Mentok! Next year I'll get myself sorted & treat my kids to some Saskatchewan silliness...

At 10:34 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great theme! i'm tired just reading it.

the best thing about not having the party at home is that you don't have to clean up first--or after, for that matter!

if you ever need a second income--or maybe after you retire--you could hire yourself out as a party consultant. seriously. : )

At 12:35 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

mjrc - no clean up after? You missed the bit about the silly string. But yes clean-up seems more manageable when it isn't your own place.

Ah, the great dream of being a paid party consultant. Unfortunately, I don't live in a big enough centre to make that a reality. Also, I doubt parents would really be willing to pay even the break-even cost of one of my parties, esp. since there are so many low-cost (and low-brow) alternatives like Chuck E. Cheese.

But I did it once. A couple of years ago, I served as a professional party planner for a big company's corporate kids Christmas party. That was 100% stress, 0% fun. Despite the generous pay, I'm not in too big a hurry to repeat that experience.

Nah, I'm content with just the good karma from hosting and sharing my party skills.

... and the love of the cougar moms. Did I mention that before? The moms adore me. Helps keep Mrs. M. on her toes ;-)
(I'm kidding honey! See, smiley face. Pls don't hurt me!)

At 12:41 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Mmm, indeed, nothing like the admiration of a Yummy Mummy...

At 12:45 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Oops, Fil, almost forgot to deal with you:


There! By pronouncing your name backwards, I have banished you back to Albania and rendered your Leek Powers harmless.

At 1:06 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Curses! Do I at least get to take a Yummy Mummy back with me??

At 1:34 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

NOOO! Like the mighty king gorilla, I shall horde all Yummy Mummies for myself until the fateful day comes that the young turks smash in my skull while I'm sleeping. You shall have to suffer your Albanian exile in wankitude.

At 1:50 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Hah! I have found the mighty daffodil of BWLNQFID and my powers are restored!

Tremble, King Gorilla, for I will smite you leekily and spirit away ALL your Yummy Mummies!! Oh, apart from Library Mama - I'll let you keep her out of the goodness of my heart.

At 10:29 a.m., Blogger Rachel said...

You guys crack me up! :-)

My word verification sucks...
Like some sort of Star Trek character who I wouldn't consider to be super really...Although my dad might have begged to differ.

At 2:22 p.m., Blogger Grumps said...

Wow, this is a cool one...


And I will get you back, all of you, for everything you have ever done!

My super power is the be mad at everybody, everywhere, everyday.

At 4:36 p.m., Blogger Library Mama said...

Frankly, if Mentok really is hording Yummy Mummies, I may just let you spirit me away, AKGSKXYH!

After all, I am the mighty SKQVU, Queen of Mentokolis, and I am not just any ordinary run-of-the-mill Yummy Mummy.

At 12:23 p.m., Blogger cchang said...

You guys really are the coolest parents! I'm speechless. Soooo neat!

Ya know, I would think if you became a professional party planner some of the fun and spirit would be lost because it would become a job. I love doing flowers and photography for my friend's weddings. Often i provide services as a gift. The times that i've been specifically hired to do the job though have resulted in a lot of stress and extra pressure simply because I was getting paid. I realize the quality would be the same but somehow formally getting hired for the task really sucked out my enthusiasm level. Hard to explain...

MQIIXMZ...over and out


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