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Life and Death in Blogdum

As our old friend FiL mentioned in my Facebook post, the comings and goings in bloggoland remind us of the impermanence of things.

It's funny though how this little virtual social reality of ours gets under one's skin. The friends, the enemies, the crushes, the flame wars, all rise and fall so quickly you feel like you're living out a sped-up alternate life. Even though you know it isn't rational, you can't help but feel that the passing of a blog is like a death in the family. I've been at this for two years now but I feel like I've gone through 10 years worth of relationships of one sort or another.

Today is one of those days most bloggers dread: link-list clean up day. We say goodbye to some old friends but also hello to new ones.

An overdue goodbye to Sabatkes, Bathroom Hippo, Canadian Sentinel, Arkanas and all my old Newfoundlander readers. They were all with me in the beginning and their blog passing makes me feel e-sad and blog-old.

Irish Eyes and The Night have been in the graveyard for awhile, but now it's time to eliminate the graveyard, especially since it now turns out they've been resurrected in Facebook land.

Cindy Chang, seen here celebrating her addition to the Mentok links

But enough sadness: Here's a big link-bar hello to the lovely Cindy, the witty Crash Calloway and the amphibious Toad. You are all well met. Thanks for including me in your circle, and welcome to mine.

On with the show.

P.S. Congratulations to Liz from Roaring Machine for landing her new job. Break a leg!

posted by Mentok @ 2:54 p.m.,


At 8:00 a.m., Blogger adam said...

You know, if like Cindy I'd just been voted 'Miss Prarie States Check Out Queen' I'd look happier than that.

At 7:25 a.m., Blogger cchang said...

Crash, it's the "Dog Padding Champion of the World" title not the "Miss Prairie States Check out Queen." I'm just exhausted from padding during the 100 ft. sprint. :P

Mentok, I'm truly honored to be amongst the list of comrades in your side navigation bars. In this day in age, a gif image of Reisling generates the same amount of euphoira as a real piece of chocolate cake, so it's worth celebrating!

Happy blogging everyone!

At 9:24 a.m., Blogger heavy metal mom said...

Long live Princess Cindy!!!


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