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It's About Time!

British Report Calls For Ban on Models Under 16

While they're at it, they should ban those appalling child beauty contests.

The only good thing to come out of those atrocities was Little Miss Sunshine, and that only because the beauty contest scenes represented perhaps the greatest cinematic achievement in the depiction of irony. If you've seen it, you know what I mean.

posted by Mentok @ 10:40 a.m.,


At 7:29 a.m., Blogger cchang said...

I don't think models should be younger than 18 given some of the photo shoots that they do.

For a split second my mother did consider entering me in one of those frightening beauty pageants when I was 3 or so. I think back then contest winnings were around 20 grand or so per competition. Fortunately, common sense got the better of her. After all, easy college fund is not worth getting groped and gawked at by pedophiles!


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