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Another Weird Dream

I'm at work and two colleagues ask me to follow them through a winding secret passage, down little-used stairs and behind secret doors. Before going through the last door, they warn me: "Brace yourself, this is going to freak you out."

I'm lead into a grand viewing room in what looks to be a gigantic space station. I can immediately see that things aren't good. The orbits of the solar system are in decline and the entire galaxy (maybe the universe?) appears to be filled with some sort of dark matter that threatens all existence as we know it.

The human race, I'm told, has been kept Matrix-like in an artificial dream state for an undetermined length of time in a colossal space station (possibly a Dyson sphere). Every so often, they wake somebody up to see if the person has any bright ideas about how to fix things.

To make matters worse, no one knows exactly how long this state of affairs has been going on or when the situation will go critical, since previous generations of awoken people have left few records. This could have been going on for a hundred years or a hundred million... nobody knows.

There is a community of perhaps a couple thousand awoken people, constantly hunting for solutions. I have no clue and no background that would be even remotely helpful, but I promise to give it some thought and get back to them.

On the whole, I wish I'd just been allowed to stay in the dream state, since it appears to be the only reasonable way to cope with the universe's apparently inevitable demise.

And then, I "woke up" .... ;-)

posted by Mentok @ 10:23 a.m.,


At 2:34 p.m., Blogger cchang said...

Wow. This is an intense dream...beautiful even. Not sure what to say about it except ask if you've been questioning the path that humanity has been taking lately or something.

Last night dreampt of one of those gum ball machine type thingges that dispense those bubble containers with toys in them, except that there were kittens inside.

At 3:07 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Actually, I'd been reading a book on Buddhism the day before, so that's probably the context of the dream.

Hmm, now what do you suppose could have prompted your kitten dream... ;-)

At 5:42 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a dream i got shot in the head--it didn't hurt all that bad in the dream, actually, but when i woke up i had a headache. my question is, what came first, the headache or the dream?


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