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Mothers' Day Hangover

Sufferingexistssufferingiscausedbyattachmentssufferingcanbeendedbyendingattachments attachmentsareendedbyfollowingtheeightfoldpath.Sufferingexistssufferingiscausedbyattachments sufferingcanbeendedbyendingattachmentsattachmentsareendedbyfollowingtheeightfoldpath. Sufferingexistssufferingiscausedbyattachmentssufferingcanbeendedbyendingattachments attachmentsareendedbyfollowingtheeightfoldpath.

(Visits from my mother always end up discombulating my karmic balance)

posted by Mentok @ 12:26 p.m.,


At 4:40 p.m., Blogger FiL said...

Oh goodness. I understand. You know I do.

Me: "Hi Mum, just calling you on Mothers' Day."

Mum: "Oh! What a surprise! You usually never call on Mothers' Day."

Me: Watchitallfloatbywatchtheemotionformfocusontheemotionuntilitdissolvespokeemergingsarkycommentbackintoitsholeintheground...

It worked. We actually had a semi-decent chat.

*Proffers Mentok a bag of karma"


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