Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Link Found Between Environmentalists, Climate Change
Zurich (FN) - Scientists in Switzerland today released findings from a study showing that, ironically, environmentalists are partially to blame for global warming.
"The connection is really quite obvious. Environmentalists exhale carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The more environmentalists there are, the more greenhouse gases are produced. It's as simple as that," said Dr. Jules Rodin of the Zurich-based Daimler Ecology Institute.
Rodin urged the public to reduce their dependency on environmental spokespeople through simple conservation measures. For example, environmental groups could share one spokeman instead of making separate statements or use more conservationists, who are known to expel fewer greenhouse gases than environmentalists.
He also recommended that environmental groups consider switching to electronic spokesmen.
"You could easily rig up an electronic system to deliver standard phrases such as 'moral crisis' or 'impending catastrophe'. Even when you factor in the GHGs used to produce the power for such devices, they would still help cut environmentalist-caused GHG emissions by 90 per cent."
Not only the environmentalists themselves but also the intensity of environmental language was observed to have climatic effects.
"In relative terms, there are good kinds and bad kinds of environmentalist statements. If you use a ton of fantastic, mind-boggling hyperboles or if you say the same thing over and over and over and over again, that's obviously going to have a much more harmful effect on the environment," said Rodin.
posted by Mentok @ 11:58 a.m.,
- At 12:35 p.m., Mentok said...
For the record, I'm a climate-change moderate. Climate-change deniers frustrate me immensely. So do the "sky is falling" climate change hysterics. I decided long ago to listen only to engineers on this topic, since they are the guys who can get sued if dams flood, sewers burst or buildings blow over.
- At 1:30 p.m., Library Mama said...
If you use a ton of fantastic, mind-boggling hyperboles or if you say the same thing over and over and over and over again, that's obviously going to have a much more harmful effect on the environment.
Not to mention all the hot air that gets spouted. That's got to contribute to global warming! - At 4:53 p.m., FiL said...
But at least they biodegrade when you bury them...
- At 5:40 p.m., Mentok said...
Now there's a pleasant thought!
- At 10:05 p.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
I'm a climate change denier....I don't think it is possible for man to change the temperature of the Earth in the long run. I know who is the blame for Global Warming...It's the freaking sun. That bastard.
Until we kill the sun, I'll continue to breathe, buy plastic bags, and drive for fun.