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'Eeez Ahl-ready Got One!

Soldier: 'Allo! 'Oo is it?
Arthur: It is I, King Arthur, and these are my knights of the Round Table. Whose castle is this?
S: This is the castle of my master, Guy de Lombard.
A: Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for the night, he can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail.
S: Well, I'll ask 'im, but I don't think 'e'll be very keen-- 'e's already got one, you see?
A: What?
Lancelot: He says they've already *got* one!
A: (confused) Are you *sure* he's got one?
S: Oh yes, it's ver' naahs.

A couple of weeks ago, I was ever so flattered to receive a Thinking Blogger Award from Marcy at Lost In My Inbox.

Today, believe it or not, I've received a second one, from our old friend FiL at Pogoagogo.

Ha, ha. Fooled 'em a second time!

This is all rather incredible to me, considering this blog started as an outlet for bad jokes and fake news stories and continues largely as a way for me to goof off and procrastinate at work.

Now, I'm thoroughly shamed into doing my own Thinking Blogger Awards. I would have done it earlier, but at first I thought it was supposed to be a big chain-letter dealee where you couldn't name someone who was on someone else's list.

But now I realize I was being too anal about the whole business. After all, it's not like there's money involved, is there? (Is there?) Instead, the only rule I'm abiding is that you can't name someone who's nominated you (sorry FiL and Marcy; you would have been top of the list otherwise.)

So here goes:

Library Mama at The Books Nook - (aka Mrs. Mentok) she makes me think I'd better watch what I say, 'cause it will end up in her blog. Seriously, I have found it fascinating to watch her develop her own blogging voice. Plus there's something very noodle twisting about reading about one's own life from someone else's perspective.

Good ol' Luc at Hacks and Wonks - I've been too lazy to put this back in the active links, which was a big mistake. H & W, written by an old political convention buddy of mine, was the first blog I read regularly. It's still one of the better Canadian political blogs out there.

X-Efficiency - another blog by another old friend, one of the smartest guys I know. Economics (theory and practise) and politics are the themes here.

Contrast Podcast - I know it's a podcast, not a blog exactly, but this site has inspired me to do a lot of thinking about music and radio comedy. (I'm still chuckling about the "feem toons" fr. CP 60)

Rick Mercer's Blog - First, I'm probably cheating citing a celebrity blog. Second, my Tory friends will probably hate me for for citing a man some have called "the biggest ass-kissing, fart-catching, brown-nosed Liberal whore alive." (note I am merely quoting this, not asserting it.) But for my money he is still also the funniest Canadian of his generation.

So there you have it. There are many other people who deserve mention and would most certainly be here if it was a list of 10... or at least that's the excuse I'm pitching.

There are also many others who make me think .... make me think they're loonies, that is. You all know who you are. Don't make me name names ;-)

posted by Mentok @ 11:37 a.m.,


At 7:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was a little disappointed that there was no money to be had, too, but then i realized it was the thought that counted. : )

but you certainly deserve a second award, and the fact that it comes from fil should make you feel twice as good. : )

At 5:24 p.m., Blogger X said...

Does the Hollywood Stock Exchange count as one?? I mean it makes you think which movie to "invest" in......

....and thanx, Mentok!!


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