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Election Sketch

By way of a bit of dessert after all that heavy, savoury political talk, Mentok the Mind-taker is pleased to present Monty Python's Election Special sketch.

I've worked on too many campaigns and this sketch plays louder and more vividly in my mind with each one:

posted by Mentok @ 11:12 p.m.,


At 4:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is very funny, but you what really strikes me about it? how young they all are!! makes me feel so old. :0

At 1:16 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

You think that's bad. I made the mistake of decorating my bathroom with a "fun in the sun" photo theme. Mrs. Mentok and I agree that looking at pictures of one's younger self in beach wear is not exactly the best way to start the day, although it can be quite motivating ;-)


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