Wednesday, April 04, 2007
And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
... has been moved over to the Attempts At Profundity tab. You can leave further comments there or here as you please, you non-existent confluence of events you.
posted by Mentok @ 4:01 p.m.,
- At 9:16 a.m., FiL said...
Whoah... What brought on that bit of Dharma??
- At 9:42 a.m., Mentok said...
Nothing really, just varying up the content. It had always been my intent to run material like this regularly in the 'Attempts at Profundity' tab, but that went off the rails as the tabs started to atrophy. I'll probably move this over to that tab in a bit.
It got your attention though, didn't it? ;-) - At 12:24 p.m., FiL said...
Everything you do gets my attention, Dearest Mentok!!!
- At 12:28 p.m., Mentok said...
- At 4:10 a.m., Rachel said...
It got my attention...I mean I always love a little bit of Existential thought to kick my day off right. ;-) hehe
- At 10:49 a.m., Library Mama said...
I could have sworn I made a comment a short while ago, but it doesn't seem to be here.
Maybe I don't exist.
If I do not indeed exist, do I still have to do laundry and cook meals today? - At 12:18 p.m., Mentok said...
Rachel - well, I'm glad you found it cheerful. That hasn't exactly been the consensus so far.
LM - You may not exist, but there must still be a confluence of events which results in me having clean underwear. (You should clarify for the nice folks that I'm really not the regressive meany you make me out to be ;-) - At 12:22 p.m., Rachel said...
- At 1:01 p.m., Library Mama said...
I'm told I should clarify for the nice folks that Mentok is really not the regressive meany I make him out to be.
And I'm pretty well trained to obey by now.
Even though I don't exist.
;-) - At 3:35 p.m., Library Mama said...
Just to be absolutely clear to everyone out there, I'm just goofin' around.
My life is definitely full because of the confluence of events that brought Mentok and me together.
And it is a pleasure to be the lucky woman in charge of ensuring he has clean underwear.