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Happy Birthday Contrast Podcast!

It's hard to believe, but the most marvelous Contrast Podcast, evil handiwork of that limey bastard Tim from The Face of Today has turned the Big Oh-One today.

If any of you, dear readers, haven't yet partaken, I urge you to go click on over to the CP site right now and give your ears a treat. No, right now. Quit reading this and just do what I effing tell you... go now.

Good music. Good people. Good times. What more could you possibly need to know?

Thanks, Tim, for inviting me to join. I am unworthy but grateful. And, no, you are neither evil nor a bastard, as far as I know. Just teasing.

posted by Mentok @ 1:34 p.m.,


At 3:59 p.m., Blogger Tim Young said...

... oh but I am ;) Thanks for some excellent intros over the last couple of weeks. I especially liked the thought of someone trying to 'cop a feel' off The Queen ... she'd love that cos I bet nobody would have the guts!

At 9:10 a.m., Blogger mjrc said...

yes, you do a loverly queen elizabeth, i must concur! great fun.

At 9:50 a.m., Blogger Mentok said...

That intro went through quite an evolution. Originally, I was going to do a Tom Waits impression, having Waits introduce his own song. But on reflection I figured it wasn't funny enough or birthday enough.

Now that I've got this informal, friendly competition going to match or beat FiL's funny intros, the mental energy involved in submitting has gone way up. Talk about a failure of expectation management!

At 10:47 a.m., Blogger FiL said...

Oh, goodness. Just for the record, I'm not into competitions, friendly or otherwise. If I can make a few folks chortle, then that's reward enough for me... :)

At 10:54 a.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Well, at least that comment smoked you out there, stranger! ;-)

Competition is overstating it. How does "cross-inspiration" strike you? Your humour inspires me to work harder to make people laugh too. Nothing offensive or aggressive in that is there?

At 7:11 a.m., Blogger mjrc said...

it's even inspiring me to try to loosen up a bit in my intros. : )

i would've enjoyed hearing your tom waits impersonation. maybe next time!


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