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Elizabeth Mitchell Is The Devil !

Like any dutiful parent, I joined my kids in watching a great number of bad Christmas movies over the holidays. While such films are hardly fine cinema, they do have their charms in the right time and place.

But there is one that I can never watch again:

Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause

The movie features Elizabeth Mitchell as the female lead. She's supposed to be this sweet school-marm type character.

But until the end of time I shall only know her as Juliet, that creepy woman from Lost.

All through the movie, I kept wanting to scream at Tim Allen: "Get away! She's an Other!"

I will never be able to trust this actress again. She's going to have to play villain roles for the rest of her career.

posted by Mentok @ 1:17 p.m.,


At 3:35 p.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

Amen on that one...

She's a b****...and Tim Allen stopped being funny after Home Improvement got cancelled.

And further...Buddhists are responsible for every war!

I'm just teasin..if you didn't notice.

At 9:06 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is kind of cute though..

At 6:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just saw that movie for the first time and i loved it--and i was fully expecting it to be utter crap. of course, i didn't know of her lost character and the evil she represented. now i'll have to go back and rewatch it with opened eyes. ;-)

At 12:21 a.m., Blogger Mentok said...

mjrc - yes, both Santa Clause 1 and 2 are surprisingly good as Xmas popcorn schmaltz films go. But really if you've watched Lost at all that actress will freak you out as soon as she appears in that movie.

happy and blue - the devil!

hippo - your Mel Gibson reference puts me in mind of the uneven standards about making jokes about certain groups or religions. Buddhists, Mormons, Episcopalians, Amish ... you can pretty much get away with any sort of jokes about those outfits, but others not so much. I should work on some new Amish material, 'cause Amish jokes never get I right?


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