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Happy Birthday Ash!

Not only is it fellow blogger Ashley Chairiet's birthday, but it is also a year ago that I first met this inimitable, charming hillbilly princess. Most regular readers either know her or know about her, so be sure to head over and wish her a happy b'day.

posted by Mentok @ 4:37 p.m.,


At 7:08 p.m., Blogger mkecurler said...

Happy B day Ash!

Loved the KISS post. I got the hubby a KISS ornament for the KISSmastree that plays Rock and Roll Al Night. Cracks me up. Did you know Gene and I share a birthday? Wow!

now back to my depressing stuff. Thanks for making me laugh during all of this.

At 11:04 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

KISSmastree! Ha! KISS and Christmas are definitely two concepts that clash delightfully.

Our Christmas tree is much the same, only it's Batman ornaments. Mrs. Mentok gets me a new one every year. I'm looking forward to the day when we can celebrate an all-Batman Christmas.

Continued best wishes, Melva. I know how hard it is to catch one's breath in times like these. It's like someone removed all the oxygen from the atmosphere and you have to find a new supply.


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