Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Contrast Podcast
Before I forget, the new Contrast Podcast is out with another contribution by me.
The theme was 'A song you like by a band you don't'. I figure you can't lose in that scenario:
- If people look down on the band, you get credit for also disliking them
- If they like the band, you get credit for at least having enough taste to like that one song
- If they dislike both the band and the song, you get a pass on the basis of it being a kitschy, idiosyncratic quirk, since many others on the podcast picked much worse songs
Stra-tee-gery. That's my middle name.
My pick for the week was Chumbawumba's Tub-thumping. "I get knocked down, I get up again" could practically be my personal slogan but I can't stand the band, who have always struck me as being very pretentious. They seem like the types who think calling themselves anarchists means they can act like dinks whenever they feel like it.
So, please take time to visit and listen to the whole Contrast Podcast . It's always a pleasantly eclectic dose of good music.
This is the second post of the day. Be sure to see below for the new discussion item post.
posted by Mentok @ 12:03 p.m.,
- At 2:57 a.m., Suzan Abrams, email: said...
Extraordinary ideas Mentok with a sharp creative bent.
Just like what we discussed before. If you confess to describing yourself in certain way, then in reality, you could prove the opposite.
Ideas - in this case, with music & bands - that beat the ordinary. - At 10:08 a.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
Not a huge fan of most of the songs...except maybe breakfast at tiffany's...
Your song was alright..probably #2.
My blog got spammed lastnight. Damn liberal-fascists.