Sunday, July 16, 2006
And Now A Word From Our Sponsor...
Just a quick promotional note: some friends and I have started a league for the Hollywood Stock Exchange game ( Basically, it works exactly like a stock exchange (so you get a chance to learn a lot about investing along the way) except that you are investing fantasy dollars speculating on the success or failure of movies and movie stars.
It's tons of fun, so check it out. If you are interested in joining our league, new entrants are always welcome. Ours is a gambling league, so there's a $50 entry fee with the jackpot paid out to the player with the most money at Academy Awards time in February 2007. The league has only been running for about a month, so there's plenty of time for new entrants to catch up and surpass the existing players. We also welcome 'observer players', so if you want to try the game out for a bit before deciding to plunk down your 50 clams, that's another option open to you.
If the league interests you at all or if you would like more information, please post a note at the league headquarters at
We now return to your regularly scheduled programming...
posted by Mentok @ 11:26 a.m.,