Thursday, June 08, 2006
Utah Tops Math Scores
Salt Lake City, UT (FN) - Polygamy is not only fun, it's educational. That's the finding of a new national math survey that put the residents of Utah on top for general math skills.
Brigham Osmond, head of the state Department of Education, says he isn't suprised.
"Working with numbers is something of a special endowment for people in Utah. Heck, if you are planning a family gathering, you almost have to use calculus to figure out how many legitimate paternal first cousins to invite,"said Osmond.
Officials with the Church of Latter-Day Saints, the prevalent religion in the state, maintain that Utah residents' facility for math is part of God's design for the state.
"The old saying goes that knowledge is power. Math skills are part of the words of wisdom that has set us apart from the gentiles and defines our mission to spread God's word," says Bishop Donald Young.
Local educators deny that the religion has any particular influence on math skills.
"I think it's just that the people of Utah have worked hard to build a good economy so that we can afford a world-class education system," said Salt Lake City public school teacher Abraham Osmond-Young.
posted by Mentok @ 1:30 p.m.,
- At 5:48 a.m., jamwall said...
it takes calculus to figure out how many polygamists will sing for the Moron Tab 'n Apple choir!
- At 3:10 p.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
Hah! - At 3:19 p.m., Mentok said...
Hippo: I hope you liked it. It's not my best, but I'll try to get you more later.
Marilyndrew: Yes, 80% of the material on this site I write. I throw in weird sounding real news once in awhile just to keep people on their toes.
As they say in the convenience stores "Thank you. Please come again!"
Jamwall: Thanks dude. - At 2:01 p.m., jamwall said...
those mormons sure smile a lot.
must have something to do with the polygamy thing! - At 2:12 p.m., Library Mama said...
When I was a teenager, I would have loved to have given Donnie Osmond a little tutoring in multiplication (if ya know what I mean). ;)