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Second Canadian Donates Liver To Sick Kids

Toronto (FN) - One year after one Ontarian made an anonymous liver donation, a second man has made a similar offer.

On Thursday, Kevin Gosling of Cornwall, ON was honoured at a public ceremony in Toronto. Last year, Gosling donated a portion of his liver to save the life of a girl he had never met.

Later the same day, Gary O'Leary, a self-described raconteur and patron at Gabby's Bar & Grill on King Street, held a media scrum at the tavern to announce that he would also be donating his liver "for the foreseeable future."

"I had no idea liver was so good for the l'il tikes. Myself, I can't stand the shit. I don't even know why I order it except that it's supposed to help you digest alcohol better," said O'Leary.

With reporters looking on, O'Leary ordered a waitress to wrap up his plate of Liver'n'Onions Special, which he immediately sent by courier to the Toronto General Hospital.

In a statement typified by earnest, strongly worded proclamations, O'Leary's most impassioned comments were reserved for comparisons with Gosling.

"That f**ker only donated part of his liver. I'm donating my whole, goddamn liver, today and every f**king day from now on. You f**king reporters better be in here kissing my ass every day the way you were kissing his ass today," said O'Leary.

Officials at the Toronto General Hospital were gracious in their response to O'Leary's offer.

"We will be pleased to accept Mr. O'Leary's donation of cooked liver. We recognize that his heart is in the right place, even though his brains are clearly in his ass," said Linda Wright, a bioethicist at Toronto's University Health Network.

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posted by Mentok @ 12:12 a.m.,


At 12:54 a.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Some of this is borrowed material from the Onion. The picture comes from there, as does the phrase "In a statement typified by earnest, strongly worded proclamations", which has now officially become my favourite expression for describing drunkeness.

Props to Daibh, for pointing out the very funny Onion story.

At 1:30 a.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

Got to love those Canadians.

At 7:27 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

I'm actually anti-Canadian these days. Not related to you, of course. Other reasons...(sigh)

And great piece. Even though it's not entirely yours. ;)

Have a great weekend! :)
~ Ash

At 8:53 a.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

I was Anti-Canada. Until a man came into my life....a man named Harper.

You thought I was gonna say Christ?

At 3:35 p.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

Mentok is either:

A) Paranoid/Angry.
B) Back on the habbit.
C) Gay.
D) All of the above.

At 4:35 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Ha, ha! What's this all about Hippo? Are you upset I didn't react to something?

As for your list of possibilities:

a) Paranoid/Angry - 22 yrs in professional politics taught me to be permanently paranoid, so that one's always a 'Yes'
b) Back on the habit - Nope! Yay!
c) Gay - some days I almost wish I was, 'cause it would be easier than trying to figger da wimminfolk. But, no, sorry big fella. You'll just have to go back to your unwed mothers and I'll go back to my wed mother...not my mother, the woman to whom I'm wed who is a know what I mean.

You seem to be trying to goad me about Harper. Just in case this wasn't clear, I'm a true-blue, pure-laine Tory. I have a Sir John A. action figure and a Dief water jug, not that this will mean anything to you. So I like Harper just fine too. I feel much more comfortable making fun of people I like than those I don't.

At 5:00 p.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

Just thought you'd cave by now.

I have a Reagan action figure riding alongside John Wayne.

They have a lot of adventures together.

At 2:42 p.m., Blogger Library Mama said...

If he'd truly had any class, he would have donated some fava beans and a bottle of Chianti as well.

At 9:20 p.m., Blogger mkecurler said...

I thought that photo looked familiar! My hubby was ont he cover of the onion in the early 90's. He went to school in Madison and knew the people who started it. We annouced our wedding in it. 1998 issue with the tanks on the cover..

At 9:53 a.m., Blogger Mentok said...

You know the ppl who started the Onion? That is so cool, sabatkes. You are a never-ending well of surprises.

So, any chance you could put in a good word for me with your old buddies there? ;-)


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