Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Harper Promises Change
Ottawa (FN) - Canada's new Conservative government has promised to help out ordinary working families in a very tangible way by putting more coin in their pockets.
"On January 23rd, Canadians voted for change. They entrusted our party to deliver that change. As Prime Minister, I promise that we will give Canadians the change they have demanded," Harper said in a speech to officials at the Royal Canadian Mint.
Harper described how the Tories' promise to cut the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the federal sales tax, by one percent in the upcoming budget would lead to more change.
"The GST cut will allow Canadians to see change every day, every time they make a purchase. The one percent tax reduction will ensure that all small-to-middle level purchases, those under $200, will lead to an increased supply of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies in taxpayers' pockets."
However, Harper made it clear that the Conservatives would stick to their principles of smaller government by not regulating change for bigger-ticket purchases.
"We're not going to do like the Liberals and tell business people how to satisfy their customers. What we are going to do is ask car dealers and other sellers of more expensive items to stock up on coins because Canadians are demanding change."
Harper ended his speech on a philosophical note.
"Some people are afraid of change. I remember in the 1980s, when the $1 'loonie' coin was introduced, there were many people who were against it. Today, everyone from vending machine manufacturers to tip-soliciting strippers have come to appreciate how change has improved their lives. In our modern economy, change is inevitable, so we must embrace it."
posted by Mentok @ 12:47 p.m.,
- At 1:27 p.m., Mentok said...
American subtitles: All pretty obvious. Recent election, new government, lot's of rhetoric these days about "change". The sales tax cut was a major campaign promise. Coins in Canada include $1 (loonie, b/c it has a picture of a loon bird on one side) and $2 (toonie, b/c that rhymes with loonie. In the 90s, when the $2 coin was introduced, I tried to influence ppl to call it the doubloon, which would have sounded cooler, but it didn't stick.)
- At 5:37 p.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
I like Harper. - At 5:47 a.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
Hey post more hot chicks on your site! - At 9:19 p.m., Gyrobo said...
Fake! Obviously a fake story, as there is not a single link to an actual report. Check and mate.
Also, yahtzee for good measure.
Metric measurement.