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New Project

Yes, I will be putting up new funny bits soon. I've been caught up in a creative writing project and I'd like my readers' feedback. For years I've noodled about a science-fiction version of C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, but I've never been able to come up with a format I was comfortable with. I've decided to try doing it as a sort of blog novel. Novel may not be the right term, since it only has a loose approximation of a plot and I haven't really figured out an end-point yet.

I already have a bunch written, but I'll be doling it out in bits, blogger-style.

It's called Field Diary and you can find it at

So, give it a few days and let me know what you think. Don't be afraid to be cruel. I don't pretend to be a fiction writer.


posted by Mentok @ 3:48 p.m.,


At 10:26 p.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

Maybe you should stick to mindtaking.

At 5:35 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

I left my "official" comment there, but just to show my support here...

Good luck with your new project. :)

Happy Thursday,
~ Ash


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