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My Son's Crappy Day

Mentok Jr. went on a field trip today with his science class. They toured a sewage plant. The plant staff didn't hold back. They took the kids right into the room with one of the holding pools where the raw sewage flows in before getting treated.

A kid standing beside Mentok Jr. threw up. Mentok Jr. scolded him and told him he at least could have tried to hit the sewage pond.

Mentok Jr. also noticed a life preserver hanging on the wall.

"I figure if they've got one hanging up, there must have been a previous incident. So, like, someone must have fallen in and drowned in sewage at some point. Gross, eh?" he said.

He also noticed the washrooms in the building. He wondered (and it's a good question) where does the sewage from a sewage plant go?

That's my boy.

When they returned to class, the kids were eager to get some fresh air and try to get the disgusting images out of their minds. But the teacher ordered them to sit down right away and write a thorough report on what they had learned.

"You've just been on a field trip. You can't expect to have fun and games all day," she said, allegedly with a straight face. Given that this is the woman responsible for the notorious Responsibility Rugs policy, I completely believe it.

Mentok Jr. said that if his home-room teacher, his favourite teacher, had organized the field trip, they would have toured a pudding factory instead.

I suggested that he simply imagine a pudding factory trip, write his report on that and then substitute a few words here and there.

I think he found that helpful. Especially since he was eating pudding at the time.

posted by Mentok @ 12:03 a.m.,


At 1:05 a.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

I went to the Jello factory only to find Mr. Cosby urinating in the mixer.

At 1:13 a.m., Blogger X said...

Tell Mentok Jr. to watch the movie "Jackass". One of those "pranks" was skinny dipping in the sewage pond (aka the "sh*t pond").

At 4:21 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

Cute and funny, M. I especially liked the ending.

And who takes children to a sewage plant for a field trip?

We always went to the Zoo, or the fire station, or the art museum.

Kinda creepy...

Anyways, Happy Wednesday.
~ Ash

At 6:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ammo for MMT

At 10:51 p.m., Blogger mkecurler said...

Kids still get field trips?! I thought they only got to go to manditory visit to the zoo and art museums! don't they take the kids on the manditory tour of the Goldline and Asham Curling supply factory! Oh would i love to chaperone that trip!!!

p.s. your kid is pretty smart! huzzah!


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