Monday, March 27, 2006
FEMA Screw-up Riles Hillbillies
Little Rock, AR (FN) - A tornado of anger continues to sweep across Arkansas as politicians and taxpayers alike react to the latest FEMA incompetence scandal.
Last week, Arkansas media widely reported that FEMA had purchased 10,477 mobile homes to help deal with the Hurricane Katrina disaster. However, the federal agency had no plan for how to use the homes, which now sit empty on a cow pasture near the ironically-named town of Hope, Arkansas.
"In Arkansas of all places, for the federal government to wave empty mobile homes in front of people's noses like a carrot is simply the height of cruelty.
State legislators were similarly incensed, saying that the Hope park poured salt in the wound of the state's problems with mobile homelessness.
"Mobile homelessness has reached epidemic proportions all across our state. It breaks your heart to see people suffer like this. It has gotten so bad that it is no longer just the poor who are affected by mobile homelessness. I've heard of cases of doctors, lawyers and even politicians being forced to live in three-story walk-outs and split-levels because there just weren't any mobile homes available. It is an insult to the dignity of Arkansans," said state Rep. Laura Berkley (D).
FEMA officials have publicly defended the Hope park, saying that the unpopulated mobile home settlement serves as a safe and effective "lightning rod" for tornados and other extreme weather events.
posted by Mentok @ 6:08 p.m.,
- At 7:26 p.m., Mentok said...
Props to Ash, the blogosphere's favourite Arkansan, for pointing out the real story on which this piece is based.
- At 7:57 p.m., The Taker of Gist said...
Why must this keep happening?!
If only there was some way to do something without expending any energy.
I must seek wisdom from the Gist. - At 9:09 a.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
Hey! You work for the government. Are you a spy? - At 10:09 p.m., mkecurler said...
Don't get me started on FEMA. You should hear the stories my family is telling me! So depressing....
- At 3:49 a.m., NL-ExPatriate said...
OK you got me.
I must say I did feel guilty at laughing so hard over such a tragic story. The cou de Gras was the last line I just about peed my pants. - At 5:57 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
Wow, M. This is great...
...and I tried to comment on it yesterday, but Baby-bot woke up right as I was making the rounds.
Really funny, though, and I liked that you pointed out the irony in the town's name. Hope. That's mainly what inspired me...
Also, the line about dangling carrots in front of our noses...ha, yes, cause we're all poor, right? Funny, funny stuff. :)
(bastard) ;)
Happy Tuesday, my friend,
~ Ash - At 6:09 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
Or, you know...Happy Wednesday. ;)
Wrong day...slightly distracted. Long story.
Hope you're well! :)
~ Ash