Monday, February 06, 2006
Tory Cabinet A Victory For The Little People
Ottawa (FN) - Human rights groups across Canada are hailing the new Tory cabinet as a major step forward for midgets and dwarves, who prefer to be known by the term 'Little People'.
"Little People are one of the last groups in Canada to receive the full protection of Canada's human rights legislation. You can't make jokes anymore about a person's skin colour, religion or sexual preference, but you can make jokes about a person's height. Maybe those jokes will seem less funny now that there are important, powerful Little People for the country to look up to," said Starr Henderson, spokesperson for the Alliance to End Discrimination in Canada (AEDC).
Although dwarvism affects only 1 in 40,000 people, Little People currently represent seven per cent of the federal cabinet with today's appointments of Gary Lunn, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, BC and Jim Flaherty, MP for Whitby-Oshawa.Both men declined to comment on 'Little People' issues, prefering to stay focused on policy matters.
As the new Minister of Finance, Flaherty promised to live up to Conservative principles of strict fiscal prudence.
"Sure and begorah, those bureaucrats is already after me pot o' gold. But I'll be showing them de business, as me old da used to say. I'll be crackin' them fat cats with me shillelagh if they come near me booty," said Flaherty.
Lunn expressed enthusiasm for his new role as Minister of Natural Resources.
"Canada's mineral resources are very special to me personally. I have so many happy memories of my six brothers and I going off to work in the mines everyday, whistling all the while. This is a job that requires a person who is very down-to-earth, and that is a quality that I certainly have," said Lunn.
posted by Mentok @ 10:25 p.m.,
- At 11:12 p.m., Mentok said...
American sub-titles:
This one's pretty obvious. They're both short guys. - At 5:22 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
Really? ;)
Kind of sad though...I mean, it's funny, but still: I can't help but think, "Go pick on someone your own size!" ;)
But I'm a pair of ruby red slippers, know...they love me. ;)
Joking. Plus, the slippers were actually silver, you know? Damn Hollywood... ;)
Oh, and I was going to ask you, now that your side-bar's back up: what's the difference in friends and solids??
I want to redo my links, but I can't think of categories. Thought I might just steal yours. ;)
Happy Tuesday,
~ Ash - At 5:56 a.m., Bathroom Hippo said...
My My My...Your sidebar works!
Bear must have fixed it for you.
America has a lot of dwarves in the Senate. Harry Reid is the king dwarf. They must be conspiring. - At 9:56 a.m., Mentok said...
Re. Link categories.
"Friends" are, generally, bloggers who I've met in the real world. Occasionally, I may develop sufficient regard for a blogger I haven't met in person that I decide to put them here anyway.
"Solids" are blogger friends I haven't met in person but who have 'done me a solid' such as by linking to me on their page or by commenting a great deal.
So, you see, both groups are friends. But the capital-'F'-Friends are typically friends who I can personally, physically kick in the ass if I feel like it. ;-)
The big exception, besides you, is Dee Herman, who neither comments nor links (nor reads for all I know), but I'm his separated-at-birth evil twin brother, so I guess I have to include the little schmuck.
So steal away if you like those categories. - At 5:31 p.m., NL-ExPatriate said...
I couldn't help but notice the extraordinary number of lefties in the new cabinet. - At 7:40 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
No, no, I shalt not steal. I have no solids, I'm afraid. Just friends. And not Friends. And one less friend...or not. Jury's still out on that one. But wait! You're the judge, right? And your verdict: "Do Not Respond" in capital letters. Oh how could I possibly forget?? ;)
As for Dee: why is he your twin? I must have missed that part...
And for everyone else who is suffering through this comment:
It is now illegal in Canada to talk to a pair of shoes in private.
For the next two forgive me for the chit-chat.
The thing about the furniture, the assignment you suggested?
You will never believe this...and there's an absolutely PERFECT joke in here for you...but I had that idea too!! I was thinking I'd do a whole piece, like a tour of my home, and even took pictures for it yesterday morning BEFORE you wrote that!
Strange, huh? It's almost like you're capable of reading minds...
(It's all yours, M. Enjoy it!)
~ Ash - At 8:27 a.m., Mentok said...
We don't rent the mind,
we don't lease the mind,
we don't borrow the mind,
we TAKE the minds!
Thanks. Haven't said that for awhile. - At 8:34 a.m., Mentok said...
...oh, and, Ash, your question about Mr. Herman.
Did you get that thing I sent you?
(the pdf. It was a couple days ago.)
OK, look at that and read Herman's 'About Me' self-description. It should all be clear from there. - At 6:17 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
Thought you might enjoy that...
And I did get the PDF. Just looked at it yesterday, actually. I hate PDF's cause they take so long to load, so I'm usually pretty lazy about 'em...but yes. Dr., now is it? ;)
Cute stuff.
I'll check out his profile again...
~ Ash