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A few sidebar changes to note:

- Isonomia added to the Solids section. Daibh (who I now call "celtic Dave" after learning this is a real name and not some cryptic mish-mash of letters) is a major coolio. Fellow writer, punk rock fan and inventor of hilarious nick-names - what more could you ask for?

- X-Efficiency has made it out of the Graveyard back into the Friends section. Welcome back Dan. Now go bug Brett to get his ass in gear.

- Herman's Head has been moved down to the Entertainment section. Even though I am his evil twin, he never calls, he never writes, so as much as I like the guy I can't in good conscience give him the same status as people who actually contribute to this blog.

posted by Mentok @ 11:11 a.m.,


At 5:18 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

First Dee, now Dave??

Get your own damn friends!! ;)

Kidding, of course. I've got the two-cup-a-coffee sillies going on.

Hope you're well. More elsewhere.

Happy Wednesday!
~ Ash

At 8:03 a.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

There there ol' chap.

Everyone knows of your ability to predict idle blogs.

Maybe some curling on NBC will cheer you up? You know... some naked American womens curling? You know, cuz they have the biggest whatnots of the bunch.

There ya go big man! It's all good!

At 8:04 a.m., Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...



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