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Harper Pledges No Tier Health Care

Ottawa (FN) - Conservative Leader Stephen Harper angrily rejected suggestions that his party was bent on introducing two-tier healtcare.

"We already have one tier that's expensive and ineffiecient. Why would we want to double our pain with a second tier? That's like something one of those corrupt Liberal Adscam firms would come up with. I say let's get rid of all tiers of healthcare and put the money back where it belongs, in taxpayers' pockets," Harper said.

The Conservative platform, Harper stated, would take a more holistic approach to health care.

"People are always talking about disease and injury as though they were unnatural, as things that have to be 'treated'. I say these things are perfectly natural. Ever heard of natural selection? Just like they taught us in economics school, disease, injury and death are nature's way of elimintating the unproductive deadweight from the economy."

Harper predicted many benefits if Canada adopted the Tories' non-health care platform.

"Before advanced health care came along, the average age was 35. Can you imagine if all the women in Canada were under 35? We'd be up to our eyeballs in Rona Ambroses. Scha-wing!"

- 30 -

posted by Mentok @ 11:28 p.m.,


At 11:49 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

American sub-titles:
As you've probably heard, Canada has a publicly-funded ("socialized) health care system. It costs a king's ransom and doesn't work very well, but it is an absolute sacred cow to Canadian voters. Except in ultra-right-wing Alberta, no Canadian politician has dared to suggest any serious change to health care delivery in over 30 years.

Nonetheless, in every election, the Liberals and the NDP always tell voters that the Conservatives are evil baby-eaters who plan to introduce "two tier" (partially privatized) "American-style" health care. No matter how many times the Conservatives deny this, the voters always believe it.

Rona Ambrose is a fairly hot looking female Conservative MP.

At 7:03 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

For once, I had a pretty fair grasp before the subtitles. (Though I do appreciate them very much!)

I read a whole article about your homeland's fancy healthcare system. That, and the dissolution of parliament, or something??

I’m not sure now, but I did figure I might find a George Clinton joke here. ;)

~ Ash

At 4:57 p.m., Blogger NL-ExPatriate said...

"evil baby-eaters"


At 2:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog I hope we can work to build a better health care system as we are in a major crisis and health insurance is a major aspect to many.


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