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Yet Another Inspirational Moment...

Food For The Soul

By Mentok the Mindtaker
Part 3: Choosing The Right Tool

The Pen is mightier than the Sword.

Except in a swordfight.

In fact, a pen actually really sucks in a swordfight.

I learned that one the hard way.

posted by Mentok @ 9:59 p.m.,


At 8:27 p.m., Blogger Chimera said...

Pens and swords each make fine weapons in their respective places. Well, here's a game where your keyboard is your best weapon:


At 9:44 p.m., Blogger Mentok said...

Even after having read the post several times, I'm not sure what the rules are.

I'm happy to play along but can you clarify?

At 10:45 p.m., Blogger Chimera said...

Okay. Took me awhile to figure it out, too. I don't feel so alone, anymore.

If the meme "trail" is done clearly, you can link to each back-post that links to the next back-post, etc., until you've got the gist of it. This one doesn't go back too far. Bring up the link I posted: this case, it looks like you need to copy and paste into a browser address bar, and you'll get a page on my blog. Then look for the back-link (and all my links are done in red) -- which, in this case, hides under the name DazzlinDino. He was the one who tagged me. Hit that link, and it takes you to the post on his blog where he got tagged:

and that takes you to the MyBlahg link:

and that takes you to "this one":

and I think Mike at Rational Reasons was the one who started this meme.

This one is actually quite easy. Start a new post and quote the title of the 23rd post you ever did, and then quote the 5th sentence from that post.

Then tag five other bloggers that you know/read regularly and bring them into the game. The object is to get as many bloggers as possible tagged without repeating a tag on any one blogger. Name the blogs you're tagging on the post you're doing. Then do like I did with you -- put a comment on their blog to tag them. Or send them an e-mail if they don't post very often (or if they never reply to comments).

Those of us at the beginning have an easier time of it than those at the end.

At 3:37 a.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

Hi Menty,

Out of all your "inspirational" pieces, this one's my favorite.

Funny, funny. :)

You know, the other day, I misquoted that ol' saying on purpose...The pen is mightier than the sword, or whathaveyou.

No one noticed.

I also misquoted Cary Grant on purpose.

No one noticed that either.


Can't I just have a sword now?

~ Ash


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