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Potatohead Faces Charges

Ivan Potatohead faces charges of comtempt of court and disturbing the peace after a violent outburst at what should have been a routine commercial court appearance yesterday.

Potatohead is famous world-wide for his self-styled line of toys and his numerous TV and movie appearances. The toy mogul is notorious in business and Hollywood circles for his hot temper and foul language.

Potatohead's lawyers were about to make opening depositions to Judge Patrick O'Reilly of the Los Angeles District Bankruptcy Court when the incident occurred.

"Oh, that's just great! A f_ckin' Mic judge! Like I'm really going to get a fair hearing now," witnesses quote Potatohead as saying.

Potatohead then alledgedly stomped around the court room, throwing papers in the air and kicking over chairs and trash cans. Three baliffs were required to restrain him.

Potatohead's financial woes were worsened recently with the announced bankruptcy of Atkins Nutritionals, makers of the once popular diet products, in which Potatohead held 25 per cent of the publicly traded shares. The capricious media personality has long been a vocal advocate of the Atkins diet.

"Those goddamn PETA, vegan hypocrites keep going on about 'Oh, I won't eat anything that has a face.' Well, I've got a f_ckin' face, don't I, ya weirdo hippy bastards!" Potatohead said in an unaired 2003 Atkins promotional video.

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posted by Mentok @ 12:23 p.m.,


At 9:44 p.m., Blogger mkecurler said...

was he hanging with the poutine posse?


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