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Happy Birthday To A Crazy Woman

I never do personal stuff. I leave that to all those millions of dreary diary blogs. But this is a special occasion. Today is the 40th birthday of Mrs. Mentok, the most tolerant and long-suffering woman in the world.

Love ya, babe. You just keep getting better.

posted by Mentok @ 12:09 p.m.,


At 1:43 p.m., Blogger NL-ExPatriate said...

Is that a halo?
I'm thinking yes she must be an angel to be Mrs Mentok!

Your a lucky man Mr Mentok lovely lady!

Here is a blog with some great sarcasm.

At 10:31 p.m., Blogger A. B. Chairiet said...

Happy birthday, Mrs. Mentok! :)

~ Ash

P.S. "Dreary diary blogs"...

...Yeah, welcome to my world, fancypants.


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