Sunday, October 09, 2005
Interactive blogging fun!
Vote for your favourite caption for this photo, or create your own:1. "Ralph. Psst! Ralph! Where can a guy can get a good piece of gum in this town?"
2. "Act cazh. Look over about 1 o'clock. Check out the toonies on the chick in front."
3. "Could I get a receipt for 25 cents, please."
4. "Ralph, could you run out and buy me a Coke? All's I got is this big freakin' quarter."
5. "Perhaps you and I are not so different after all, Mr. Powers."
This photo is even funnier in the close-up view.
posted by Mentok @ 1:19 p.m.,
- At 1:38 p.m., Mentok said...
American sub-titles:
The guy on the right is former corrupt Liberal cabinet minister David Dingwall. Until recently, he was head of the Royal Canadian Mint. If putting a guy with sticky fingers in charge of the place that makes money seems like a bad idea, it was. He was recently caught grotesquely abusing his expense account including, ridiculously, expensing his gum purchases.
The guy on the left is Liberal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale. There isn't really anything funny to say about him. Some old-school Liberals think he's a light-weight, describing him as "the guy we used to send out to get Cokes." - At 1:14 a.m., A. B. Chairiet said...
OH...Now I get it! :)
Until I read the above explanation, I was going to say: "While I have no idea as to who these people are, I really think number five is the funniest!"
But now...
...I've got to go with the giant quarter.
Thanks for the silly-sillies and for the sub-titles. :)
~ Ash