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Recipe for a Hurricane Disaster

I feel bad sometimes because the hurricane disaster has provided me with so much comedy material. It really is a horrible tragedy and I'm sure there's a truckload of bad karma connected to making fun of it.

So it's time I gave something back. Not money, mind you, because I'm of Scottish ancestry, which is kind of like being Jewish except you're allowed to make fun of Scots. Also, I can't for the life of me imagine why I should feel responsible for subsidizing the U.S. government and the insurance industry.

But that shouldn't stop you from doing something nice, and I'm happy to help out with ideas.

Invite your friends over for a Hurricane Disaster party. (Imagine how socially conscious your friends will think you are!) For a modest donation (say $5), serve your guests a genuine New Orleans Hurricane cocktail:

In a cocktail shaker, mix the rum, passion fruit juice or syrup, the other juices and the sugar until sugar is dissolved. Add the grenadine, and stir to combine, then add ice and shake. Half-fill a hurricane glass with ice, then strain drink into glass; add ice to fill. Garnish with orange slice and cherries.

To kick things up a notch, try adding a shot of bourbon and renaming the drink "Katrina" or "Category 5".

This cocktail was invented in the famous Pat O'Brien's Bar in the French Quarter. In the prohibition days, the password for this bar was "Storm's brewing."

Delicious cocktail, delicious irony and you get to feel good about it.

Be sure to hold back a small administration fee, just like those fancy charities do.

There. Now I feel much better ;-)

posted by Mentok @ 10:37 a.m.,


At 3:34 a.m., Blogger NL-ExPatriate said...



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