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Mulroney / Macdonald Monkey Chart

Much of the controversy surrounding the new Mulroney book seems to revolve around the fact that (gasp) he said swears.

Much has also been made about the fact that Brian compares himself to Sir John A.

Egotistical? I beg to differ. Let's see how Canada's two greatest PM's stack up using my patented Monkey Chartâ„¢ method:

Biologically, member of the family Hominidae, "The Great Apes"Ditto
Life-long unrepentant alcoholicRecovering alcoholic and Nyquill addict
Spoke GaelicUses profanity
Loving father of a mentally-challenged daughterLoving father of Ben Mulroney
Notorious liar, manipulator and smooth-talkerDitto
Recruited maritime separatists and Quebec soft nationalists into his cabinetRecruited Quebec separatists and maritime soft nationalists into his cabinet
Hung a Western populistFailed to hang a Western populist
While drunk, allegedly vomited during a public speechWhile loaded on Nyquill, allegedly passed out into a bowl of soup at a public dinner
Was embroiled in a corruption scandal involving rail transportationWas embroiled in a corruption scandal involving air transportation

So there you have it. If you take into account ordinary human failings (which none of those drunks and half-wits in the media ever do), Mulroney and Macdonald were so much alike that you could hardly fit a hair between them.

posted by Mentok @ 9:47 a.m.,


At 8:03 p.m., Blogger NL-ExPatriate said...

Dam I'm almost a Prime Minister?

I'm Humanoid
I drink
I smoke
I swear (Irish ancestry)
Smooth Blogger[self proclaimed :)]
God help my kids
I have secessionist leanings
I hung my cat because my neighbor phoned the SPCA and I had to tie her up.
I lived in Quebec
My father worked for the now defunct Newfoundland Railroad.

Nah will never happen I'm a born and Bred NL'ian!

Maybe the President of the Republic of NL? LOL

At 7:40 a.m., Blogger Liam O'Brien said...

LOL. It's air tight!


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