Thursday, September 08, 2005
It's All Too Creepy...
Headline from Thursday's National Post:
Dear God, Peter Mackay, what have you done?
posted by Mentok @ 11:28 p.m.,
- At 11:57 p.m., X said...
I think the Party is trying to "lue back" David Orchard and his company into the fold.....
"WTF" is all I have to say.
dc - At 12:20 a.m., Mentok said...
Is the flash movie working OK? I'm worried some ppl won't be able to load it.
- At 1:43 a.m., X said...
Yep. The flash movie is working alright for me. That is a really creepy "movie".
- At 8:05 a.m., Liam O'Brien said...
[Liam reaches for his wooden stakes, holy water, silver bullets, copy of NAFTA, and his Tory constitution]
If David Orchard wants another fight, he's got one.
Seriously though, I was recently talking with a left winger here in NL who blamed NAFTA for softwood....I immediately pointed out that it was the Maude Barlowe/PatBuchanan/David Orchard/Northenr Governors types who were fighting against the most binding dispute resolution arrangements, indeed the US negotiators also fought against it while Crosbie and his negotiators wanted as binding aprocess as possible... In the end we got SOME binding aspects... probbaly not enough...
I would like to see NAFTA expanded, more anti-dumping laws done-away with, fewer prtecte sectors, and much more binding mirror legislation... That said, maybe that should be the subject of a new agreement... - At 3:33 p.m., Mentok said...
Truth be told, I completely agree with the policy. The winds of geopolitical and geo-economic are blowing, so Canada (the perpetual colony) is going to have to think about hooking up with a new sugar daddy sooner or later. I'm rooting for India; at least they're democratic.
Still, the Harper-Orchard morph was too good a piece of comedy to pass by. - At 10:11 p.m., NL-ExPatriate said...
I'm expecting his head to start doing turns. LMFAO